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Bullet Canister + Auto Trigger + Quad Barrel + anything else make an awesome gun. Made it to 103.

shotgun makes it the mose op(in my opinion)

Drum mag + chaos rounds + mini-gat barrel + blow-up trigger :DDD

(2 edits)

what does sticky do(on the bee barrel)

It likely slows down fire rate a little.

if you get all the void pieces do you dodge everything



wait really?

Here is an idea: 

Suppose you get a set or have like 3 parts. if so you get an ability for that set. For example,  you have 3 bouncing bullet parts, so the ability could be you get another bounce or it can bounce off enemies.

i just died on level 104!

fun game.

i just died at 113 :( there were two among us looking characters shooting at me with their blue arrows and 2 goblin guys shooting me with their red arrows, I almost dodged all of them!

is there more bird items


only bird barrel

oh ok

(1 edit)

I killed the 1 eye monster, got into the shop, then the blue arrow hit me as I was buying the heart. It is glitched like this now:

free enter the gungeon

10/10 would play again


What does bullet time mean

It slows the game down after you kill (it only happens once)


can you kill the angel?

The one in the shop: no

The small one that flyes around in the fighting room: ye

Can you make it so youcan turn off gun sounds?

Turn off your computer volume.


there should be a sandbox mode where you can customize your own gun BEFORE going into it! great game also.

(1 edit)

Me at room 410 before dying : )

Me on room 200 on a base gun only run: =D

For real?!?

I only got to twenty

i got to 127 :)

is there a way to see or pick different parts to the weapon?

You have to come across them by fighting monsters, bosses or buying them at the shop.

OK, I was really wondering if there was a sandbox mode but your answer tells that there is not one. Thank you.

been trudging thru the deep end


Found a new glitch. If you have the bow trigger, hold it down, and change triggers while still holding down. It gives you crazy fire rate.

(1 edit) (+1)

i got a really good build. i have the one barrel that allows you to shoot 5 bullets at once along with the honey trigger so nearly every shot spawned a bee or multiple bees. the original build was BULLET HELL with shotgun shells so i literally did not have to aim, just shoot lol. lagged my game a lot but it was good. then i accidentally picked up chaos rounds which made my life (and my framerate) better. i also have rubber grip for more attack speed. i also have the missile stock so i have a chance to fire missiles, and the bullet canister so i don't have to stop shooting. before the bullet canister i had spinnygun so i still didn't have to stop shooting. also i keep taking 1 point of damage in or before a  room i can heal in- (boss rooms and shop rooms) no other places. just those rooms. for some reason. i'm going to stop typing now and go annihilate more enemies. currently at room 148 btw.


i got to room 204. still goin strong.

loco :)


unfortunately my chromebook... uh... pretty sure it's dead for good. screen's not turnin on. there goes my best run yet. ;-;

and rolling or a dash 


Quad Barrel (Tri barrel works too)

5 tap trigger (3 tap works too.)

Inflatable Grip

Reverse Stock

Spinigun (Or Bullet Canister)

And (MOST IMPORTANT) Shotgun Shells

holy fucking shet

The choomer: quad barrel, 5burst trigger, shotgun shells and canister mag. pull trigger for a deadly choom

What's your favorite magazine and why is it the spinigun?

is the second version still in development?

(3 edits) (+1)


Good Thing

-The bullet canister is INFINITE AMMO mag

Bad Thing

-Boss is take 1 Damage each hit. (Except D20 Bullet)

-Boss is resist all bad status (Ignite or Poison)

-Coin limited is 100

so- my- uh. my screen turned red. and it's not turning back.

nvm, somehow turned normal when i scrolled down.

(1 edit)

i have created a build such that i have only been hit once, and that was on room 30. it consists of chaos rounds and some other stuff that i can't remember rn.

(10 edits)

here's the things i have that i've found out so far (including things i've changed since lvl 30):
extended mag- not anymore, now drum mag. never mind, bullet canister now.
chaos rounds
apparently i still had the pistol stock but now i have a snug splinter but now i have drunken stock
inflatable grip. not anymore, now i have rubber grip.
blow up trigger.

got hit for my 2nd time on room 54

(1 edit)

3rd hit on room 60. also i killed the spider dude before he could spawn any mini spiders lol.
it was also in this fight that i realized that with bullet canister, i can continuously shoot without stopping +-+

4th hit room 72.

(1 edit)

5th AND 6th hit on 79 ;-; this might be where it ends. anyways, imma stop putting how many times i've been hit.
edit: didn't end there, thankfully.

Made level 113 with this build, but died cos bullet canister glitched and I had to start reloading it.

-Whatever that stock is +accuracy

- mo' money grip (later replaced with silver grip cos i didn't need mo' money)

- bullet canister + inf bullets

- 3burst trigger (I couldn't find the 5burst)

- quad barrel +3 ammo per shot

- Bouncies + can no longer miss shots

you could prob replace the stock with a fire rate one as the bouncies do not miss, and a 5burst trigger is obviously better, The bullet canister runs out of bullets fast, but only 1 bullet is needed as the 3burst fires 3 * 4 bullets per click. remember to always buy hearts :D

hearts are more important to get!!!


not really, just git gud

I just died at 113 because of 2 among us looking characters and 2 goblin guys  

this is good but i would change the trigger bullets stock grip and barrel with

fire trigger(or what it is called idk)

ghost bullets (so that you can shoot through walls

poison stock (or jungle stock dont know what its called

cool guy grip

bird barrel

Instead of that, I would recommend the barrel stock and the ammo that aims to where you curser is. That way, it's like shooting 5 bullets at once and you dont have to worry about accuracy (as long as you use your mouse correctly).

(3 edits)

Great Roguelikes but


so that's why i saw so many zeros on my screen

Op setup: 

Nukes (Damage and Knockback)

Bird Barrel (Double the bullets)

20 Mag (20 Bullets)

X3 Trigger (3 Bullets at a time)

Any other part of gun that is Drunken

ngl but the ghost rounds look like flying cocks


how the heck did anyone get to levels over 100? i barely got to halfway!

(1 edit)

skill, luck, and for me, a whole lotta chaos. i got chaos rounds, bullet canister, some stuff that makes my rate of fire absolutely insane but my accuracy nonexistant, and drunken stock.

Thanks for the tips but I can barely get any good upgrade that you mentioned at all with my luck being bad but again thanks for the tips

btw, never take accuracy stuff unless u have the basic stuff.

got it

The game is very cool but the health is too exepensiv and you can t see the whole screen.

Hi, I found a fix. You need to press Crtl + (-) and zoom out your browser screen so you can see the whole thing. Let me know if this helps

thank you

Huge numbers/hacked scores from the leaderboard infects every screen of the main menu. Makes a part of the screen unreadable. Thanks.


I got to floor 580 and the build used 90% of the way there was:

-Quad barrel

-Reversal Stock


-Inflatable grip

-Glass bullets (Shotgun shells would probably work as well but I didn't want to crash my computer)

-Sticky trigger

Near the end of the run I decided to try out some different attachments but that didn't go so well.



that's soo impressive 


man got one shot and so did my computer

THIS is what EtG should've been!


bang bang yes


if you swap the bullet canister with another bullet canister it lets you reload it lol. what a epic bug

I  got to level 206 before dying.

My setup was several items that heightened bullet count and ammo usage, the sticky grip, and the almighty spinigun. Shooting while reloading mixed with absurd bullet counts and running  out ammo quick so I can get to the reload with fast auto shots was a good synergy.

TL;DR: 10/10 would spontaneously combust again.

My highest was about 380-something, I made a build that essentially one shot most bosses; used the rounds that follow cursor, 4 barrel attachment, the barrel stock that shoots backwards(but will also follow cursor because of ammo type), 5 burst, and bullet canister. 

Only downside to this build is that it lags my Chromebook and I cant see half the screen because there's so many bullets which is actually why I ended up dying (walked into spike trap that I didn't notice).

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