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So much fun.


Stepford hey i love your game so much i featured it as the game of the week on my website!!!    look here 

Thanks a lot, man!

no prob :D

(1 edit)

5x Trigger & 4 Bullet Barrel & Regen Mag = OP


I made it to Stage 138. Died to a slime baby

mini gantlet & auto trigger & rengen mag & follow bullets = OP

better use wall penetration bullet


i got so high




what does bullet time  barrel do, i literally sacrificed my quad barrel for it, so it better be useful because it does NOTHING

(1 edit) (+1)

the bullet time barrel gives you slow mo for 1 second after you get a kill  bro, that's it's only use,for coolness.

(2 edits) (+1)

hi,I am facing a issue when ever I'am plaing the game.when ever I die I get this message=




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_player:

Highscore list does not exist.

at gml_Script_XGms_highscore_add_guest



stack frame is

gml_Script_XGms_highscore_add_guest (line -1)



do you know what I should do?

The game needs an internet connection to submit a highscore, I think!

but I am having the error even with a  good internet connection.




this is just too addictive. but the full screen doesn't work on chrome.


Idea for new weapon type: Scope

Purpose: Some could have accuracy increases, or some could allow bullets to move towards enemies, (or my personal favorite,) there could be a kind where the scope would allow you to see where an enemies attacks are gonna go or where the enemy will move, (would be very helpful for the magician boss.)

Deleted 3 years ago

There are actually scopes in the game, but they don't drop. In some of the screenshots, like the actual game thumbnail, the gun has a scope on it. They don't have any stats, so if you were to hack them in, they wouldn't do much but sit atop the gun. Maybe I'll add them fully in the future. <3


very fun but I wish there was save states. I after playing the game for half an hour I kept dying and having to redo the entire thing, and is the guardian lady at level 5 even able to be killed?

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

look at this :) i actually made it to level 310. then i died.

(takes a lot of patience)

There aren't that many levels AFAIK.

(1 edit) (+1)

 i had to repeat a lot of levels




im on chrome so i have to use the browser version.


Could you do like a debug menu? Like you can give yourself any item you want?


New weapon idea: 

Weapon Type: Bullet

Name: Loose Change

How it works: Get more money for killing enemies, have max coin count increased (from 100 to 200 or 150), and use money as bullets. They do slightly more damage and the gun doesn't need to reload.

(Just an idea)



I LOVE this game. Even playing on browser is super fun. I love all the different combinations. Currently trying to have every of one kind of item.

I also play on browser


Although I suck at games like this I had a lot of fun! Just wish I could see what gun parts I had equipped.


me too.


Really good game. Only thing I would have liked was a little variety in areas after bosses, for example, green dungeon tiles then red dungeon tiles. Other than that, the game was very fun and I played for about an hour. Bosses are also challenging and very rewarding to beat.


ya know what,someone needs to make a list on all the gun parts and the effects. 

Oh, so you like Gun Knight?

Name every gun part.

(3 edits)

bet you cant

no u

shut up

(2 edits) (+1)

the gun i used (always has ammo and rapid fire{auto})i took a screen shot right before i died. got pretty far... ...also this took a lot of skill.


neat i died on 73 or 76 because I wasn't paying attention


i just wanna know if this build is good i dont remember the names but if anybody can identify the components of this gun and figure out if its good i would like to acquire that info thx :)

A shotgun barrel will always do you well! 

(1 edit)


You too polished Nobleman/Noblewoman

Thank you Kind sir for that inquiring info


great game mate bit unoriginal as it is but i have complete faith youll make it your own with tim


Nice Game I Got To Level 53


...good game...


One Word: addictive

Thanks! <3

(2 edits)

ditto that

Deleted 3 years ago

Have you tried zooming in and out on your browser?

(2 edits)

5 burst trigger + bullet canister + quad barrel = multi shot annihilator (best with exlposive ammo)

also 5 burst trig + mini cat + bullet canister = single shot killer

no but seriously it doesnt even need to regen bullets and it already fires 5 ammo, its also great to use it with quad barrel V:

(1 edit)



Hey Stepford, did you take some enemies' sounds from Minecraft?


I didn't take them specifically from Minecraft. I took them from royalty free sound packs and stuff. I think Notch also did the same initially.

(1 edit)

Ok cool, didn't know that.


Gun Knight (Level 1 - 50)


yes good game



ok, I didn't expect a reply from you, hehe.

But really, Gun Knight is such a good concept for a game, the only thing is you can't buy anything from the store on lvl 5 and the silver set doesn't seem to do much.

Good game, man!

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah. It was more-so to teach the player that the shop exists and to look forward to it. But unfortunately, due to how much you REPEAT those 5 stages, it feels a bit condescending to constantly get taught the 'lesson' over and over, knowing it's pointless to go in the first time. 

The silver set extends the time between the bosses attacks. You might not notice much, but it does make the boss EASIER, in a sense. 

I appreciate the criticism! <3



played the game till level 100+ then I was too bored.
good game but gets quite repetetive after a while.
Sadly I couldnt kill my arch enemy the angel either :-(

(1 edit) (+2)

can you add a pause button and is the thing in the shop indestructible?


You can't kill the angel, sorry! And I'm not really working on the game anymore. Thanks for playing, though!


thanks i died like 10 times trying to kill it 

(1 edit) (+2)

couuld u please release build for mac?

please i really want to play the full game with my friend but i cant

I can't build for mac, sorry. I don't own one!


o, but i dont think u need to own a mac to build it right? not sure...i just rly want to play full version ;-;


also theres a problem where when i switch tabs, sometimes the game freezes and i need to reload tab and erase all progress, this happened to me actually even when i wasnt switching tabs and i was very sad because i had a rly good setup

(2 edits) (+1)

whyyyyyyy i got the boss down to like one hit and died

Edit: I killed it and got to the lvl20 boss then died :/ 

Edit 2: i killed him and then died on lvl 28


Practice makes perfect! <3

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi,I really liked the game but is possible to also allow the arrow keys as controls????

because I am not good at the wasd keys. Also will the graphical issues of the browser version of the game get fixed???

(1 edit) (+1)

Hmm! Maybe. I'm not really working on the project right now, but I'll give it a look after the weekend. And unfortunately not, for the graphical issues. This is my first ever full HTML5 game. It's a bit rocky, obviously.

oh ok thanks alot.


as close i got to a full sniper set i think


maybe this one :I??


That's pretty much it. Although, I'd recommend getting the bolt action trigger, which makes you even more accurate. 
Although, with that many accurate parts already, I think you're definitely at the max. : P


oh coolio because im just playing from school chromebook when im bored :p






i managed to snap some cool pics, died on level 171 because i glitched my gun that 

it stopped working :p (i was charging up weapon with bow thingy and swapped to 

my original thing and then it stopped firing) i think my loadout was... nuke/cursed bullet, quad barrel, rubber grip, ak stock, the weird trigger thingy that fires 5 times, bullet canister, and thats all i remember.




do i get on the high score board :3???


You did great kid, this is a cool game.

do you make your own music for the game?

I didn't, unfortunately!

You can find the great tracks here, though!


Is that all royalty free stuff or did you have to give them some $$?


It's royalty free!


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