With a fresh plot of land, it's time to start your empire and get stupidly rich!

 Hire employees and machinery to earn more and more cash, at no expense

 whatsoever! This game was made for a CIM class, focusing on the topic of 

Class and Consumerism. I had a lot of working on the project and I'm happy 

with the end result! Although a bit more time to polish things would've 

been nice...



  • LEFT MOUSE BUTTON (click) onto the buttons when you have enough cash.
  • Sit back and enjoy. B)



Stepford (Programmer) : Twitter | Newgrounds |

Elaboratus (Musician) : Twitter | Newgrounds 

Rated 3.9 out of 5 stars
(17 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker
Tags2D, artgame, green, Idle, Incremental, Pixel Art


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I know how It's like being the Onceler now


i thought the trees would grow back 


nah im out


moral: the more pollution=cooler sky


love the music and the message! waddle animation is top tier too. the sun gave me and my bestie a good spook though and frankly we kept expecting it to blow up. we also expected a hidden final option to just nuke the planet but i guess this is a game designed to go on forever! will happily check out more titles by you :D


This game is giving me some mad Lorax vibes


This sun is turning me on more and more....
I wonder if at the final level the antichrist will come up and destroy everything? <3


got it, am disappointed.
Sun turned into a methhead isntead :-(


I want to continue but the game is very laggy at this point

watching the people get run over is the best part


yea my business is totally green in all ways why did you ask?


hmm that reminds me of a place called são paulo visit if you can


I'm here but can you give me a tour? I'm at this pole thing...


thanks for the nightmares

nevermind i'm in hell

The sun dose NOT like me :)


fun little game...if you wanted to polish it...then go back at a later date and polish it 

Fun little game :)

lovely art style


Nice little game


please add a mute option. I want to try this game, but I can't  unless I can mute it.


At least on chrome, you can right click the tab and mute it, I do that for most games lol


Fun little game with a nice lesson about environmentalism and anti-pollution.  Great work!


Please make an .exe i can't play web games


expecting the workers to drop like flies some time after a few factories have been built.